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Articles about swinging, polyamory, and non-monogamy Life on the Swingset

When someone is asking questions about my lifestyle, the one I get most often seems…

The Swingset received a request for advice the other day, and since I’m not locked in the top secret Swingset toy testing lab all day, I thought I’d use it to launch an advice column.

So bring on the questions! I’ll do my best to answer them and provide any guidance I can. Just note that the advice free, and I really know very little about anything. Email to

There are times in the Lifestyle when we are certain of things. Our choices and decisions are solid and we know what we need and want in any given moment. But, we also run into moments where we are uncertain. Times when we don’t know what to do and we depend on our partners to help us figure things out. But there are some things we can only count on ourselves for. One of them is knowing what we want and need in our relationships and if we are settling in the process.

We’ve all heard the coined phrase seen in many swinger profiles, many of us have encountered it and even some have experienced first hand the concept of taking one for the team in the swinging community. But, what exactly does this mean?

I know you get lots of email, but I thought I would ask your advice. My wife and i are attending our first swingers party on Saturday and wondered what kind of advice you could give to us. We have yet to play with another couple yet but we really like the hosts but don’t want to focus on them only. Thanks for your time. Richard.

In a lot of cases with the non-monogamy lifestyle there are a lot of parents that keep that lifestyle away from their kids to the extent that they never let their kids know who they truly are and who they truly love. There are others that keep the lifestyle respectfully away from their children, but don’t hide who they are from them.