Author: Katie Mack

This post originally appeared on: Undercover Outsider Sex-positivity, while a concept that has come into my life fairly recently, is also one that’s become pretty close to my heart pretty quickly. Quite frankly, it’s fucking important. It’s one of those things that I haven’t really heard anyone be able to articulate a strong case against. However, I have heard it thrown around wayyyyy too casually and with too broad a meaning for my liking. As a term, “sex-positive” seems to be going the way of other well-intentioned yet nebulous-in-application ideas. Think “all natural.” We have a general sense of what this is supposed to mean, but…

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I don’t know what the driving situation is where you’re all from, but here we have a lot of four-way stops. Some of them are all stop signs, some of them have a blinking light, but the idea is the same. The point is that everybody has to stop, and either the person who got there first or the person to your right has the right of way. But what happens when everyone gets there at the same time? That’s the wild west of suburban transportation. There’s always someone who rolls the stop and breezes through, fuck all y’all. Someone…

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I am obsessed with the beginnings of things. Aren’t we all, though? I get so easily caught up in it all. The tangible physical sensation of connecting with someone new emotionally. In the beginning, when it’s all innuendo and flirting and smiling across the room and getting to know what someone’s hand feels like in yours. It’s craving the surprises each new conversation brings. When seeing a message from them on your phone is enough to change your whole day. Very few things will make you feel as good about yourself as a beginning. The feeling of having intrigued someone.…

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I love my cats more than you. Yes, even you. I’m sorry. I just can’t help it. One day I came home from work, and both my cats jumped up on the bed to say hello. The scene that followed could have gotten me institutionalized. The baby voice, the talking to them at all, the incessant snuggling and kissing and belly-scratching and loving. My partner watched this go on for a minute before he said, half joking and half genuinely sad, “How come you’re never that happy to see me when you get home?” I glossed over it and made…

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