Author: Derek Leannan

Derek is a twenty-something guy living in a somewhat urban and rural community in the Midwest. When he's not on the occasional date or trying to get a poly community started in his area, he enjoys hanging out with friends and playing all sorts of different games. Life is sometimes different out in the cornfields, but that doesn't stop him from doing his best to bring polyamory into the open by living openly poly.

Where have I been? Where have a come from? These are questions I think about sometimes, trying to see the past so that I can make a better decision about the future. Sometimes it helps, and other times it just lets me know that even though life isn’t always easy, there have been plenty of good times to be had. And there are always lessons on things I’d done or I wish I had done. So, where have I been? How did I know I was poly? Well, let’s see. I was a late bloomer in the dating world. Hadn’t…

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Life is different out here. I live in a city in the middle of cornfields. Most of the people out here seem to have an idea about farming, even though they aren’t farmers themselves. They tend to be fairly conservative, fairly religious, and fairly traditional. So me, the poly guy, out here in this city in the cornfields, well… let’s just say life can be interesting. It’s not that there aren’t other polyamorous people out here; there most certainly are. They’re just really hard to find sometimes. They hide themselves, for a myriad of reasons, though it’s usually to avoid…

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