Flashback post! I was reading through a bunch of old blog posts and came across…
Browsing: first swinger date
It had been a good while since we had met anyone new in the lifestyle, but there we were at a bar awaiting a new couple to arrive for drinks. I had talked to the man of the couple online quite a bit. From what I gathered they were very excited to meet us. In our classic style we arrived before them, so we had time to be at least half way through a drink before they arrived. I am still to new to all this to pretend to not be nervous meeting new people. Maybe you never get used to it. That wouldn’t be too bad. After all, the nervousness is part of the excitement.
Ginger and the Professor go on a blind date with a new couple whose pictures they haven’t seen
I had been nervous all day. Anytime I asked Anne if she was nervous, she…