A Bouquet of Oopsy-Daisies – Poor Choices & Hurt Feelings at a Swingers Club


poor choices and hurt feelings at a swingers clubOk, so you know those moments in life you look back on and think “What the hell? Who's the douche bag who looks like me?” This was one of those moments for me. I am really embarrassed to tell this story, but hopefully my own fallibility will ring an alarm for somebody else. Believe me, it could save you a lot of trouble to learn from my mistake.

My wife and I met a couple who had recently relocated to our area. They were fun and we got along great. There was a house party we were looking forward to and we got them an invite. I was into the Mrs. in a big way, she was feisty and fun. I was hoping to get some playtime in after a couple of months of just hanging out with them.

We arrived at the party fashionably late walking in to a living room of writhing moaning bodies in every possible combination. The hostess greeted us warmly and showed us around. It was a huge house party with over a hundred people in attendance.

Our new friends didn't seem to be jiving for some reason, and their energy was pulling us down. It wasn't a bad time over all. We chatted and flirted, but never left the refreshment area. I noticed the lady of our guest couple was on the couch seeming rather morose. I sat down and tried to see what was up. She commented that the majority of couples here were older than she and her husband were looking for. No sooner was this said than a very friendly older gentleman came over and kissed her…with tongue. I got the message written on her face very clearly, and we found our spouses and prepared to go.

This is the part where I picked myself a whole bouquet of “Oopsy-Daisies”. My wife walked up with a beautiful and sensuous Philippina in tow, who I knew quite well. We'll call her Miriam. She's lithe, playful, willing and beautiful. With a head of black shiny hair that's meant for pulling and sensuous feline eyes that seem to focus sexuality like a laser when she looks at you. Presently, it was her luxurious lips I was admiring by kissing the ever-loving hell out of her. She and I were on each others “must have” lists if we wound up at the same party.

Unfortunately, we were supposed to be leaving with the new couple. I don't know if this next part is the way it happened or just my wishful thinking that I hadn't actually been this rude to people. I remember dumbly asking if the couple minded hanging out for a couple of minutes, and they said it was fine. My wife and Miriam are friends, and she knew that Miriam and I had so much chemistry we'd been playing for weeks before we'd gotten each others right names. Therefore, in my -ahem- single-minded state, I equated that to consent. Now, you may be asking yourself, “Self?…What about this doesn't seem to add up? There is a giant bag of ‘fail' hiding in this scenario and I'm not going to stop until I find it.” If you are asking yourself this kind of question you are either a guy, or my kind of girl.

Before I had a chance to take in the amount of shit I was about to be in I was dragged off by the insatiable Miriam to a bedroom we found all to ourselves. True to form she had my cock in her mouth before I even got to the bed. She is one of those hungry playmates who demands to be remembered for how willingly and enthusiastically she gives pleasure. We writhed, licked, rubbed and sucked every part of each other we could reach until I needed her pussy like I needed air. I tossed her back onto the bed and pushed myself into her. Her husband came in, gave me a wink, and her a smile.

I knew I didn't have long, or maybe began to sense what I hadn't read between the lines before. I used every trick in the book (at least, from the chapters I've read so far) and did my best to make it count. Pleasure givers like Miriam are hard to find and I work very hard to reward them. Eventually, both of us glowing from a sheen of sweat and our orgasms, she rolled over and kissed me and said “Boy have I missed you!”

Now, fellas, you all know what happens at this point. This is where you realize you just did something stupid. In the swinging lifestyle fucking other people is fine, even encouraged. Leaving new friends standing around and not getting explicit permission from your wife before you run off with another woman is not. I just remember thinking “What the hell, Penis? It's not like I don't look out for you. Why is my cock such a dick?!”

My wife was not blowing up or causing a scene, nothing was thrown and voices were not raised. She is an unfailingly classy lady when the chips are down. Nevertheless I knew I'd not only made an ass of myself, I'd hurt her feelings. It was a miserable feeling, and I kind of wanted to slam my head in a drawer or something that would hurt less than realizing that. The new couple was also understandably miffed at me, and I had that to deal with too. It took a lot of apologizing and smoothing over to get things back to normal. I had screwed up and I had no one to blame except myself.

Sometimes we get too excited or our perception can be skewed by the situations we are in. Swingers or not, there is a difference between “Ok, before we go I need a couple of minutes to chat with Miriam” and “You guys wait here while I go have sex”. I had gotten a rather jaded view of things that evening and committed a pretty grievous error in judgment. I've got no excuses to offer and no cop-outs to offer, only a warning. Always be sure to put the feelings of the people around you, with particular attention to your spouse, before your own. Most of the time you'll find that your own goals are short-sighted, and being selfless will have just as many rewards (Also, it tends to be guilt free).


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