On Cocks & Cameras – The Inevitable “Look At my Cock” Picture


On Cocks & Cameras - The Inevitable "Look at my Cock" Picture

I will be the first to admit that I wasn't planning a theoretical exploration of the brave new world of open relationships when I leaped into the Lifestyle. I was looking for friends with benefits. That doesn't mean that I wanted my initial, ahem, exposure to potential partners to begin with their genitalia.

But more times in the last few months than I care to remember, I’ve opened my e-mail and nearly choked on a drink as the photo of a disembodied cock I’m fairly sure I’ve never seen before filled the screen.

I’m learning that this all-too-common experience is one of the down sides to the Lifestyle, particularly if you’re trying to meet new people through the social networking websites. The culture encourages everyone to be honest about their needs and boundaries, but sometimes that’s misinterpreted as a license to be obnoxious.

Ask any woman in the Lifestyle and she will tell you that single men seem to be the ones most likely to take the “look at my giant cock” approach in an attempt to get attention. Does this come-on ever work? Or is it the Lifestyle’s equivalent of that cringe-worthy vanilla pick-up line, “If I told you that you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”

When it comes to dicks, men seem to be immune to the concept of having too much of a good thing. Not every woman wants a giant cock.

Case in point: a guy recently e-mailed to report that his cock is larger than the monstrosity sported by a mutual friend. Like Godzilla, my friend’s penis is one that I know I’d never subdue, so I didn’t want to imagine encountering something larger. But my would-be suitor was determined not to be ignored. The photo featured his cock next to an aerosol can to demonstrate scale. Yikes!

Now, I know what the guys are thinking at this point. In theory, there shouldn’t be a cock too large for a woman because a vagina is built for childbirth. But I like sex to be a fun, enjoyable experience. I’d rather not associate it with labor pains and ruined muscle tone. A cock so large that it could be mistaken in the dark for a Louisville Slugger is not appealing. Hello! Getting beaten with a baseball bat isn’t my kink.

So what does this mean for the too-well hung guys out there who want to attract women in the Lifestyle? Although the size of your cock may have awed the boys in the high school locker room, my suggestion is to accept the fact that women see things from a different perspective.

Of course there will be exceptions, but most women first want to know what you look like from the waist up, if you can introduce yourself with class and if you’re smart enough to use spell check before hitting the send button. Save the visuals for the bedroom unless she asks for high-resolution images of your merchandise.

Try thinking about it this way: How are you going to get laid if she’s doubled over in laughter at your pick up approach or running for the hills?

I know it’s a letdown fellas, but when it comes to cocks there are only two things that most women want to know – do you have one and do you know how to use it.


Ms Deed is a 40+ single woman who freed her hedonist tendencies when she discovered the Lifestyle in 2011. She lives in the wilds of South Florida, where much stranger things have happened.


  1. I love this. I agree. I may eventually want to see what you’re packing but it won’t be the first thing I want to see for sure. I feel the same way about pussy in the face of the camera shots also. I admit, I have a few shots of myself that way. They are not my favorite and they are only shared upon request. 

    However, show me a nice pic of your bum, your feet kicked up in relaxation, your back or chest — presented tastefully and in a way that flatters, you’ll have my heart pitter pattering 🙂 

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the cock shot. I just don’t want it to the first thing I see of you and I don’t want it to be the only thing that you think will win my attentions. There is more to me than my pussy I certainly hope there is more to you than your cock. 

  2. Right on.  I love a good cock, but it’s not difficult to find a guy with a decent cock if you’re a woman who is looking for such things.  I’m much more interested in the guy the cock is attached to and if he’s the sort of guy who might be fun to sleep with than further details about said cock.  Impress me with your other qualities and you might get to show me your cock and how it works, but you’re not going to get there if your best pickup line is “hey, check out what’s in my pants!”  Cocks are great, but simply having one of pleasant dimensions is nowhere near enough to seduce most women.

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