Review: ORA by LELO – Little Nub, Big Talk


Review: Ora by LELO - Little Nub, Big TalkWhen I first saw the LELO ORA, I literally squealed. It was like the average teenage girl’s (or my average) reaction when seeing a kitten: “Ohmygod, lookithowcuuuute!” I immediately started playing with the buttons, testing the vibration patterns and swirling nub on my palm. I set it on the table at work and watched it dance like a wobbly little fat penguin. I must admit I was thoroughly taken with it.

Look at this little cutie doing zumba!

After my initial squeeing subsided, I started really analyzing it. It was adorable, for sure, but would it work? The ORA is different than other vibrators, and LELO will not let you forget it. The toy is a round orb that fits nicely in the average adult-sized hand. One side is flattened and there is a little pinky-finger-like nub directly below a thin layer of silicone that moves back-and-forth in circular or semi circular motions to simulate that of oral sex. If by oral sex they mean slight licking, flicking motions, which I guess can be/is oral sex for some people. When talking to my boyfriend right after using it, I said, “The ORA is to oral sex what a scratch and sniff sticker is to real strawberries.” Oral sex to me is a little bit more involved, but I've never been a huge fan of oral sex in general. It's always been one of those things that's pleasant but never something that could easily get me off. That being said, I have been the receiver of oral sex and thought to myself, “If my partner’s tongue just had a vibrator in it this would be damn near perfect.” I think that was the general idea behind this vibrator. Similar movement and stimulation of oral sex but with enough intensity to be a really good clitoral vibrator.

Button-wise it has three buttons that light up while in use: one plus symbol, one curiously vulva-looking power sign, and one minus symbol. The plus and minus increase and decrease the intensity of vibration, while the middle power button changes the mode/ licking pattern. There are ten modes to choose from, ranging from just flicking or swirling sensations, to various vibration patterns overlapping the nub’s movements. The middle button is also the high-intensity button, if you press and hold for three seconds the light flashes and the vibration speeds goes to it's highest function (“30% more power instantly,” according to LELO’s website). This is nice if you really like the high-speed vibration, and it remembers if you like the high-speed so the next time you turn it on it goes directly to the most intense speed. This was really interesting to find out.

This is a video of LELO ORA's 10 modes (featuring my curious kitty).

Both the nub-modes and vibration-modes weren’t quite intense enough for me. I would call myself more of a Hitachi Magic Wand intensity kind of girl. I like my vibrators high intensity and low fuss. Bells and whistles will generally draw me to thinking that toy is very cool, like this one did, but they generally don't do anything for me. The vibrations were slightly too weak to get me off easily (though I was able to after a few tries) and the motions of the flicking tongue weren't quite present enough for me (when I pressed it hard against myself while the vibration was on it’s highest setting, I couldn’t really tell it was moving). As a partnered-play toy I can see it being really beneficial though, as opposed to just a solo-play toy. If the point of the toy for you is to tease and rev you up before sex, I can see it working wonderfully. It was definitely a turn on to play with it with my partner. If the user also has a really sensitive clit and/or labia, I could imagine this would be right up their alley.

This vibe is rechargeable and 100% waterproof which is nice if you like to play in the bathtub or shower, plus that makes it easier to clean. LELO toys have a one-year warranty which is refreshing. In a sea of easily breakable toys, you can rely on LELO to be pretty dependable.

All and all, I think the cute-factor did more to stimulate me than the LELO ORA itself, but I don't know that I'm the average user. I think women that really enjoy oral sex will get a kick out of this toy. Now whether that kick is worth $169 is up to the user and the kind of expendable income they have for luxuries sex toys. As that amount is currently almost half my rent, the price tag would be a quick turn off for me, but not everyone is a poor sex toy blogger like myself.


A sexual educator at Milwaukee's female-owned, feminist-operated The Tool Shed: An Erotic Boutique. She runs the geek burlesque troupe The Dainty Rogues as well as the Young Milwaukee Poly discussion and social groups, and is the emissary for Sex Geekdom in Milwaukee. In her free time (HA!) she owns and operates a geek-themed yarn dying business called Lady Purl Designs .

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