Whips and Chains in the Cornfields – My First Kinky Play Party


Whips and Chains in the Cornfields - My First Kinky Play PartyOut here in the cornfields, sometimes you have to take community where you can find it. There isn't really a polyamory community, per say. There's something close though. It just happens to more-or-less completely overlap with the BDSM community. This isn't a bad thing, though it has been a frustration for me at times. However, a recent weekend has completely turned that on it's head. I pushed a boundary of mine, and was pleasantly surprised. I attended my first ever play party. I've been trying to reflect, cherish, and truly appreciate everything I saw and participated in. The amount of love, affection, caring, and community there was more than anything I could have imagined, and I'm so happy that I went.

I had moments to be teacher, learner, and to just sit back and enjoy what I was seeing. I had a wonderful Miss show me how to do some impact play, something I've been told before that I need to learn. I also had a chance to show off and demo my violet wand, one of my favorite toys. I also got to experience so many other things, just by watching other people's scenes. I can't talk about specifics, as that seems rude and may break some rules, but just seeing the ways that other people play blew my mind, in the best of ways!

Throughout the night, I did have moments where a bit more of my social anxiety kicked in, and I would either hang out near people I was more familiar and comfortable with, or hide in a corner and message people on my phone. It was in one of those conversations, via phone messaging, that I said something that I'm still grasping the depth of: “There's a lot of beauty, in the honesty of it all.”

Here were all of these wonderful people around me: doms and subs, a group of littles, masochists and sadists, and everyone else. And they were simply who they were. They had the freedom to be themselves, without judgement or harassment. Quite the opposite, they were all ENCOURAGED to be who they were. And seeing that was simply amazing. I remember there was one sub who I saw, kneeling at her dom's feet, and the look of serenity and happiness just was mind blowing. I know that that can exist, but I had not yet until that moment truly understood the beauty and knowing of it.

Needless to say, in watching all of this, I had an amazing experience. The hosts were wonderful, and the location was so inviting. The sense of community was something that I've felt it before in other groups, but here moreso than anywhere else it made me feel warm, invited, and part of a chosen family. I know that there is some amount of drama; there always is in a community. However, even families have their feuds and fights. They don't always get along. But they're still family. And that, more than anything, made me feel at home, out here in the cornfields.


Derek is a twenty-something guy living in a somewhat urban and rural community in the Midwest. When he's not on the occasional date or trying to get a poly community started in his area, he enjoys hanging out with friends and playing all sorts of different games. Life is sometimes different out in the cornfields, but that doesn't stop him from doing his best to bring polyamory into the open by living openly poly.

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