Crash Pad Series Queer Porn Review: #128 – Maggie Mayhem & Ned Mayhem


Crash Pad Series Queer Porn Review: #128 - Maggie Mayhem & Ned MayhemMy boyfriend and I sat down to watch episode #128 of The Crash Pad Series, not knowing exactly what to expect. We don't watch too much porn that's not mainstream, but I had heard of Maggie and Ned and was excited to see what kind of porn they make, and curious what we'd discover on The Crash Pad Series.

One of the first things I noticed was how much giggling, laughing, and chatting occurred during the episode. I enjoyed it a lot. It was almost enough to make me forget that I was watching porn, and instead it felt like I was just watching a couple having a good time together. There is definitely a lot of giggling and talking when I'm having sex, so it was nice to see that portrayed in porn.

Of course, this being the Mayhems, there were a lot of geeky things going on during the episode. The clit and penis measurements that they took to measure arousal levels were a very cute touch. They were obviously having a lot of fun doing it, and what's the point of sex if it's not fun? They also used a Neon Wand on each other a lot, and I liked watching their reactions to it. It turned them on and also made them smile and giggle. It was really cute (and hot!) to watch.

I had never seen a guy use a Hitachi Magic Wand on his cock before seeing this porn. I especially liked watching Ned use the Hitachi on his cock while Maggie was on top of it so it was sandwiched between them. It looked and sounded hot, and it's definitely something I want to try with my boyfriend.

Maggie also did something that I had heard was possible, but had never seen done: she put a condom on Ned‘s cock with her mouth. It was quick and easy, and didn't interfere with the flow of things at all. I liked that there was lots of safer sex practices featured in this episode (gloves and condoms) since that's not something you see too much of in porn, and it's definitely not something that's featured so obviously.

One slightly disappointing thing was that Ned didn't cum! Or at least, they didn't show it. I expected it to happen since they talked about where he should cum, but then it didn't actually happen. I suppose this is just another realistic portrayal of sex, though I still wish I got to see it. At least Maggie had enough orgasms for the both of them!

That said, the main thing that I really enjoyed about this porn is that it's very obvious how much Maggie and Ned are into each other. Hearing them say “I love you” to each other was very genuine, and it's not something that you usually see (or hear) in porn. I liked it a lot, though—it made the whole thing a lot more personal and real.

Overall, I enjoyed this episode a lot, evidenced by the fact that I was really wet after it was over. My boyfriend and I had really hot sex after we finished watching, and I know that I'm excited to watch more queer, realistic porn in the future.

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Full Disclosure: We did not purchase this product, it was sent to us specifically for review. Our policy is to, regardless of how we acquired a product, review it fairly and openly. No writer for Life On The Swingset will ever deliberately mislead our readers into believing that a product is good because of anything we received from the company. We are open and honest, and cannot be bought or bribed. If we love a product, we'll tell you, if we don't, BELIEVE us, we'll tell you that too. End disclaimer.


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