Review: An Open Invitation: A Real Swinger’s Party In San Francisco DVD


An Open Invitation A Real Swinger's Party in San Francisco DVD ReviewHi everyone, my name's Dylan, and I have a confession to make… I consume pornography on a regular basis.. *gasp*


However I don't think my porn patterns are normal, of course, whose patterns are! On a regular basis I'm checking out's /r/gonewild for awesome amature photos, the occasional for a movie, and I admit… a couple private porn bittorrent trackers for the “feature length” porn movies though not so much. I have subscribed, and will still consider subscribing to online porn sites, but one area I haven't spent much time is the classic porn dvd.

So… here I am, Open Invitation: A Swinger's Party in San Francisco by Private Independent in hand, generously sent to us by Good Vibrations, and I'm thinking… this has some potential. The box art is pretty clear; this is at a real swinging party, with real swingers… sounds interesting. Plus, hey it's a real feature length porn! I haven't sat down and watched one in ages, this may actually bring me back to the format!

Open Invitation starts out with a regular married couple, the Blooms having stereotypically regular married sex; boring, and quick. It's actually kind of depressing. Tonia and I haven't been together/married long enough for that to happen, even pre-swinging, but it really does happen. The husband gets under the covers with his wife, gets on top, and has a couple minutes of fun, then just kind of rolls over and is done. It's… it's horrible, but at the same time believable. Flash forward to a dinner at a restaurant and another couple, the Angels, checking out the crowd and finding the Blooms and scheming a bit. They're prospecting. 🙂 So they sit down, chat a bit with the Blooms, and after a few glasses of wine, take them to a party.

Now, if I'm just watching some porn and not caring about believability, I generally have no issues with anything that happens for the rest of the film. However, if I'm going to be a good boy and evaluate the film from a swinger's perspective and look at it in a critical light, I'll point out that a few of the swinger moments are atypical, and some I'd say ill-advised, so keep this in mind; it's enjoyable, but not “real”.

SURPRISE! SWINGER PARTY! It seems innocent enough, but things get interesting once the Blooms realize that not everyone is with their partner. Flash to several scenes of people making out, playing, fucking, all -very- hot by the way, and you have an incredulous looking married couple wondering whether they should leave. The Angels sweep in and keep the Blooms attention, primarily playing with the wife.

Most swinger interactions, at least in my experience, do generally break the sexual ice with some mutual female play, so I'd say this is both hot, and accurate. The rest of this chapter in the video is fairly typical, lots of fucking, several different couples swapping and an orgy, it's all very hot and well done. That night the Blooms go home and have an explosive sex session. Again, after our first swinger experiences, we had a few weeks where we fucked like rabbits, our first week we ended up having sex something like seventeen times in five days. Note to you “on the fence” couples: swinging is the best aphrodisiac in the world!

The next interaction brings us to the two women meeting in a photo studio, Mrs. Angel taking photos of Mrs. Bloom, which quickly evolves into some very believable playtime. Another note though; swinger couples would have discussed this playtime -before- it happened, not after as is implied in the video. My suggestion; while in life sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than to ask, please reverse that, definitely ask first, then play. Trust is extremely important, trusting that your partner will both always have your back, and be honest and open… it's really the basis of a good long term relationship, especially for swingers.

Fast forward to some couple to couple playtime, it's good stuff, normal porn style fucking… We actually watched this section with Cooper and Marilyn and one of our mutual comments was, wow… they're kind of having porn style sex instead of normal people sex or swinger sex. There's nothing wrong with porn style sex except it's usually there to give better views of all the… rem, “bits” and to turn viewers on instead of feeling great for the participants.

The last half of the video takes places at one of the Open invitation parties, happening in San Francisco at a gorgeous looking venue. The film style changes as bit, while it's still well produced, it feels different as it's happening in a true open environment where you can't control all the lighting and camera angles without a bit of movement and work. I'm actually a bit disappointed in this section of the video, I was hoping to see non-porn actors, ie: swingers fucking, in addition to the porn actors, but it really evolved into watching the porn actors fucking in different combinations while the real swingers stood around and gawked. There were a couple scenes with swinger couples fucking and playing in the background, but these seemed few and far between, anyone that was on camera and in focus for more than a few seconds was pretty much a porn actor.

I really did enjoy most of the video though. It may not be a true to life documentary about the progression of a vanilla couple to swinger status, but all in all I rate this much better than a standard porn movie, so much so I actually enjoy having this on my shelf, I'd pull this out in a heartbeat and put it on in the background of a get together. Almost all the sex was visually stunning and sexy with no real “oops” or “iwww…” moments at all. Take a look. 🙂

Full Disclosure: We did not purchase this product, it was sent to us specifically for review. Our policy is to, regardless of how we acquired a product, review it fairly and openly. No writer for Life On The Swingset will ever deliberately mislead our readers into believing that a product is good because of anything we received from the company. We are open and honest, and cannot be bought or bribed. If we love a product, we'll tell you, if we don't, BELIEVE us, we'll tell you that too. End disclaimer.


As a co-host on Life on the Swingset and creator of The Gentleperverts' Social Club, Dylan Thomas speaks candidly about nonmonogamy, kink, and non-normative sexuality to eradicate the stigma and shame that keep people from expressing and being who they want. He brings awareness to issues involving gender identity, equal rights, and intersectionality by creating discussions with people who feel unaffected by them. He also creates learning opportunities for men to become stronger allies and better people. Find and feel free to engage him on Twitter.

1 Comment

  1. We loved the idea of the movie (and the launch party at Kiss SF).

    The most fun part is: How many people can you recognize in it?

    Pretty sure we spotted at least 5 "known offenders" so far 🙂

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